Sourdough Hydration Calculator

The hydration level of sourdough tells you how much water is retained within your dough.

Doughs with low hydration are stiff, firm and require longer fermentation times.

Doughs with high hydration are slack, sticky, and faster to ferment.

The hydration also impacts your final bread in all of:

  • Look
  • Texture
  • Crust

You can use this free calculator to figure out how much water and/or flower to add to
your sourdough starter to achieve a target hydration.

Hydration Level Dough Bread Common Examples
50% – 60% Firm, dry Tight Crumb, Tall rise, Firm Texture Bagels, Pretzels
60% – 70% Sticky, Tacky Medium Crumb, Softer Texture Sandwich bread, French Bread, Traditional Sourdough
70%+ Loose, Slack Open Crumb, Thin Crust, Flatter Loaf Ciabatta, Focaccia

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  1. Open your browser’s settings.
  2. Scroll down and tap Add to Home screen.
  3. Confirm by tapping Add.
  4. The app will now show up on your home screen.


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